Session Flow: The Importance of Time Management

Session Flow is an important element when creating a supportive program environment. Children who can’t yet read a clock find themselves asking for regular updates when it’s time for something they enjoy. Many of us might remember the anticipation we felt waiting for our favorite tv show (back when there was no DVR, and we had to watch shows when they aired) or for the start of a birthday party or trip to the park. That anticipation can turn into anxiety when events seem to depend on the whims of others. 

So much of our culture depends on us knowing how to track time. Punching in at work, showing up for doctors’ appointments, getting to the bank before it closes—most of our days have a structure that depends on good time management. For school-aged children, time rules the day and schedules rule time.

Once you start to think about how often we depend on the clock, it should be no surprise that starting and ending your program activity on time is important. It creates structure, which assists with classroom management. It reduces anxiety in youth when they can anticipate what will happen when. It assists younger children in learning all the elements that are involved in good time management: planning, pacing, problem-solving, task completion, and more.

Session flow is a core component of adult planning in a quality program. It’s also a crucial component for your young people, who just can’t wait ‘til it’s time for their favorite activities!



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